Painting With Wilson Bickford.

Painting With Wilson Bickford

December Sunrise

Using oil glazes over an acrylic underpainting to create a crisp, snowy woodland scene. (30 minutes)

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Sat, 5/11 at 6:30 am on Austin PBS Create

Snow Glow, Part 1

Developing a stormy sky and forested trees; underpainting a barn. (30 minutes)

Sat, 5/18 at 6:30 am on Austin PBS Create

Snow Glow, Part 2

Developing a barn; adding details to a snowy pasture. (30 minutes)

Sat, 5/25 at 6:30 am on Austin PBS Create

Misty Morning Haze

An early summer sunrise painting features a farmer's pasture, complete with a distant rustic barn. (30 minutes)